EP 61 - The 90-Second Rule

The 90-second rule is about how our emotions work. When something happens that makes us feel a certain way, our body releases chemicals that cause this feeling. These chemicals only last for about 90 seconds. This means if you feel upset, angry, or any strong emotion, the intense feeling itself will naturally go away after roughly 90 seconds. Here's what to do next...


The 90-Second Rule

The 90-second rule is about how our emotions work. When something happens that makes us feel a certain way, our body releases chemicals that cause this feeling. These chemicals only last for about 90 seconds. This means if you feel upset, angry, or any strong emotion, the intense feeling itself will naturally go away after roughly 90 seconds.

After those 90 seconds, if you still feel that way, it’s usually because you’re thinking about it and keeping the emotion alive in your mind. In other words, after the first minute and a half, if you’re still feeling strong emotions, it’s often because of your own thoughts.

So, the trick is to remember that strong feelings will fade after 90 seconds unless we fuel them with our thoughts. By understanding this, we can give ourselves a short pause when something bothers us. After waiting a bit, we might find it easier to choose how we want to react, instead of just acting on impulse.

This rule reminds us that we have more control over our feelings than we might believe. By waiting for the initial rush to pass, we can make better decisions about how to handle things.


EP 62 - The Law of Reverse Effort


EP 60 - Neutral Thinking